Hey Julia.

Nice piece of music and a nice article on Journeying with music.

However I think when it comes down to it, it's all just a form of Meditation, just "Different Strokes for different folks."

Underneath, I think Meditation however you want to define or try and define it, it really just comes down to a method to be able to become totally immersed in our own, "Awarenesss" or in our own state of "Being".

Until we can reach or come close to the point where we become, Aware of the Awarenesss of "Awareness" itself and without the awareness of that "Awareness" disturbing us from, or lifting us out of that "Awareness" or a Zen Flow State where nothing is actually happening but everything is perfect of itself!

The methods we use to obtain the above can be many and varied, but at its core we bring the mind to stillness to appreciate the world beyond traditional thought and movement that operates at a higher vibrational frequency.

For Centuries Shamanic Journeying has used a repetitive Drum Beat to try and reach this Awareness Plane, as has Hari Krishna Drumming, however the practices of Yoga to put the body into a flow state, Buddhism & Hinduism through Prayer and Traditional Meditational Techniques, or a Taoist or Confucius practice through a Right way of Living are really not so otherworldly different than any modern Western Meditation Techniques designed to still and calm the monkey mind.

Clearly anything that allows the mind to remain a little more single pointed can appear helpful in practice like for example Cannabis. however the danger with Cannabis is, in this instance it becomes very easy to mistake the wood for the trees and think we are actually getting somewhere on our Journey when in actual fact we're just a little too stoned to become aware of any thing too much at all. LOL.

Clearly as I've discussed with yourself before I'm a great believer in the purpose of Psychedelics as part of this Journey which if used properly can almost seam like a Short Cut to Transcendance as it removes the garbage from our mindset and strips our Ego bare to allow us to start seeing clearly more easily and therefore makes our mind much more receptive to entering a "Flow State"

As for music to meditate to, I personally like stuff like some of the Didje and Handpan Music to get into a Flow State with, for instance like Zavier Rudd -Spirit Bird, but I also like World and Celtic Music like, Dead Can Dance, Loreena McKennit, Vaz, Azam Ali etc.

However depending on mood I can also go really deep with some Modern Improvisational Jazz, something for instance like Joe Henry Civilians.

Infact Music in general can become so easy to get into a Flow State with once we really start to open up and let it breath through us.

Anyway thought I would just share these personal Viewpoints Julia.

Hope your well.

Kind Regards


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Thanks for sharing, Mark! I agree - at the core it's all meditation. I used a different term because many people have specific associations with meditation (namely, sitting cross-legged in silence). Sam's music is definitely inspired by some ancient shamanic rhythms. Thanks also for your music meditation favorites - we will be sure to check them out! Hope all is well 🙏

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Yes Julia.

All good here.

I notice your Partner is a bit of a Composer then.

Is that mainly electronic or both?

I must admit I know very little about electronic digital composing but have absolutely loved Music from somewhere very deeply within my Soul for an absolute eternity.

After Climbing and Skiing, music was almost next in importance to me. Either with or without the addition of an Entheogen, music always seamed to pretty much instantly transport me to a different place and time.

First love was always very downbeat Alt Country Singer Sonwriters but I can listen to pretty much almost anything apart from modern standard melody driven popular chart style music.

But I am old School, so still listen to Cd and normally as it was intended by the Artist, from start to finish without interruption.

I also have a few different instruments which I pick up and play regularly and do love it, viz:, Didje, Handpan, Tar Drum, Shamanic Drum, Djembe Drum, Harmonica and Banjo. Though I'm absolutely average on all of them at best.

P.S. please let me know Julia if your looking for any particular music advice and I will try and assist. I'm definitely a bit of an Addict when it comes to Music and have probably in the region of 5,000 Cd's or so throughout the House and pretty much always have music on.

Though the Addict part in me mentioned above was just I suppose my nature in general. An Addictive Personality that had to do something or try something to the absolute N'th Degree, oblivious to the outcome or possible consequences because of being totally absorbed by the moment and the Journey.

Keep Well. Mark.🙏😚

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Wow, 5,000 CDs! What a collection. He is a trained concert pianist and classical composer by background - he used to do mostly classical compositions, then self-taught electronic production so now he mixes all of it 😊

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Yeah, a lot of them don't get listened to very much now as I'm sure you can imagine. That's interesting what Sam's doing. A lot of work though, particularly if he's mixing in actual musical instruments. My favourite 2 Musicians of All Time are both Multi Instamentalist Singer / Songwriters, but traditionally started their journey with Piano Based Singer Songwriting Music. They are Nick Cave and Tom Waits. Though I first heard both over 30 years ago, I still pretty much love everything that both have ever produced. Also seen both of them live on a handful of occasions which has been absolutely amazing whether in a large Concert Hall or smaller more intimate Setting.

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Music definitely gets to your soul…would love to hear the other ones you may have available…Namaste

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Well said... there's few things that provide such a direct window into the human soul. Psychedelics being one of them 😅 We will find a way to make more available!

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Have you found the way to make them available? I found them really inaporational :)

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Hi Lukas we will be sharing a whole library very very soon! I have to admit I had to google ‘inaporational’ but was very happy about the definition I found 🥰

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Sorry for the spelling 🙈😊

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Hi Julia again

I really enjoyed the intro classical piece of the music. I know this may be a big ask but do you have some suggestions of where I could find more of this type of music for meditation? I’m 65yrs and slowly finding my way with Substack but loving the intelligent content here. Much love Mx

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Hello Melinda, so glad to hear you enjoyed it. We are working on making more available to people so stay tuned 😍

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Love this! I’ve been in this journey too! Movement mediations or music meditations. Microdose and/or cannabis (small dosing goes a long way in staying stable and connected). Lately the album I’ve been journeying with is by Yaima- moongate live. 💚

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Would love to know how to hear more from Sam!

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Thanks for sharing, Scott! I just checked out the Yaima album - it's so nice. I love that you're also doing this practice. I wish it wasn't so hard to find the right music to do this with. Unless you know what to look for on Spotify there's no way to find it, no curation. Maybe we need to create something 😅

PS I will share more from Sam but in the meantime his Instagram is @samsaundersmusic (he's mostly sharing piano there)

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Julia, Sam’s music is beautiful. Please do tell us how we can find more 💖

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Thanks so much, Shannon! We will figure something out 🥰

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The question arises, "What would have to happen, or would it be like for my life to be a mediation? Let's say with no separation but rather a connection in and with each moment, one moment at a time. Absence of separation of any kind?

Musings on a beautiful Sunday morning. Thank you for yours.

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Beautiful musings. I can only imagine what this would feel like. Sometimes I have a few hours, or maybe even a whole day, that feels like this — but modern life is so contradictory to this aspiration that in order to truly live it, one needs to be somewhat removed from everything else (I’m thinking of Henry Thoreau here for some reason…)

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Thank you. I’ve been circling the concept of life as a “meditation” or a “conversation” with the deity or consciousness itself. A mentor lived by the idea that learning leads to growth and life”. In this framework, every moment, person, and encounter is a teaching moment. This liberated him from the known in service of what could be known. It comes as close as being intentionally fully present without the traditional boundaries of intentionality. Just hanging out with him created awareness and, ultimately, the habit. In the past year, I playfully titled the process my “prayer.” In each moment, learning what the moment, scene, or person has to teach becomes my daily” prayer.” One time, the thought occurred that “I don’t have a “prayer.” Even that was a learning moment—one prayer at a time.

I’ve never spoken or written about this before. Thank you for the opening.

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I LOVE this as an alternative/addition to meditation. I would definitely be interested to receive more, with breath work/affirmations. Thank you for everything- I have been missing your newsletter :)

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Thanks Celine, so glad you love it! I’ve been taking a bit of a summer break but plan to return soon - your warm words motivate me to do so sooner rather than later 🙏

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Yes! Please make the em available in some way.

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They are coming very very soon 😇

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As teacher and lover of meditation I appreciated this doorway you provided. I have always told my students part of the goal of meditating is finding the doorway (anchor) that feels natural and true to them.

The consistentcy of the piano was nice I am not sure I heard the other parts of the track as I was easily able to slip into focusing on that consistent sound.

For me this is a nice addition to my toolkit but I love the value it has for other people who are looking for “their” doorway to focus and peace. Thank for sharing another option.

Besides this post is the track you shared on YouTube, Spotify, Soundcloud, or Apple Music???

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Love the way you framed it! You're so right, it's about creating more doorways for people. Music isn't up anywhere else yet but we're sharing more very soon!

What style of meditation do you teach? 🙏

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I teach Vipassana and IRest Yoga Nidra (non-dual). My substack has all my meditations.


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Thank you for sharing. I LOVE both - looking forward to explore your offerings 🙏 Sam, the maker of this music, is acutally going on his first Vipassana retreat next week - curious to see how this will influence his art

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That will be cool I am sure it will be a wonderful experience and I agree in seeing how the insights shape his work.

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What a beautiful piece of music! I still love my meditation practice, but love the thought of interacting with music on a more focused way. Definitely interested in hearing more ♥️🙏♥️

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Thank you Loren!! Will pass it along 😊 We're sharing more very soon, hopefully next month!

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I’ve been meditating for 5 and a half years now everyday and I could easily transition to the music aspect of meditation. Very soothing and peaceful.

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Glad to hear you enjoyed it Doug!! We will share more soon 🥰

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Loved this! Thank you for sharing 🙏🏻

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So glad you enjoyed it!! We will share more soon  🥰

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Julia I can’t even put into words how profoundly this affected me…I did not want it to end!!! I’m looking forward to hearing more!! I’m also enjoying the many comments here of what others listen to in this way!!!

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Dear Donna, thanks for your sweet words I passed them along to my partner and he appreciates the encouragement so much 🥰 We will be sharing more very very soon!

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This was absolutely magnificent. I found it hard to stop the music from moving my body.

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Happy to hear you enjoyed it!!! We will be sharing more very soon 😇

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I loved this music. I hope you’ll share more!

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Thank you Betsy - more is coming very very soon! 🥰

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Thank you for this. Loved this concept. Please keep me informed as to what’s new and available.🙏

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Thanks Brenda, so glad you enjoyed it!! We will share more very very soon 😍

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