Sep 10, 2022Liked by Julia Christina

Recreation vs. Re-Creation: same word with a hyphen added.

Re: Mescaline, it’s the champagne of psychedelics. Natures MDMA. Start with 100mg. Lovely magic, esp. at the Burn.

Thanks for the article! 🥰

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Love this comment. Thank you!! :)

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I think you probably meant to say micrograms (mcg or ug) and not milligrams (mg). Big difference.

Where is the line between recreational and therapuetic? Is there really a difference? Can recreational be therapuetic? Rhetorical questions. I think the word 'recreational' is used when the term 'social setting' or 'very large group' sometimes fits better.

I would caution anyone to be very comfortable and experienced in small groups before embarking on experiences in very large crowds. Even then I think it's probably best to have a friend present who has not ingested. There can be external as well as 'internal' dangers.

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Oh, thanks for pointing out the correct shortcut! Yes, it's micrograms of course :)

I believe you're right, although I also used the term recreational to denote that the intention is a purely leisurely one rather than a therapeutic one. That being said, I agree that there's not a clear line. I totally agree on the experience / company comment, which is what I tried to articulate in the article.

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