Thanks for this info and your honesty Julia !

I’d love to hear more as you continue thru this process.

IFS reminds me of my Shamanism trainings and Soul Retrieval work. It sounds very similar. I’m going to look into IFS further.

I always find it interesting that so many, very productive, ‘new’ Therapy Models , have their Foundations in very old, sometimes ancient , Practices and Beliefs systems.

Nothing is really ‘new’.

It’s just re packaged ageless Teachings. ♾️🌓

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Hi Eric, I'm so glad you brought this up! It actually makes me think of a meme that points out that IFS is how ancient wisdom from shamanism is now trickling into mainstream psychology.

Do you have any resources you can recommend to learn more about either? I've heard about the similarities but have not educated myself properly on it yet.

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Hey Julia.

That maybe the ‘thing’ about Shamanism, all of my Training was hand-on at Retreats. But I do know, my Teacher\Shaman was Trained by Sandra Ingerman 20+ yrs ago, and has continued on the path, even till today. And Sandra I believe is still very big Online and in person. So you could start there, as I think she is very good.♾️🦅

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Hey Eric and Julia - this is a fascinating chat to stumble on! I was in an IFS webinar the other day and this exact thing came up - that IFS may be rooted in or repackaged from old wisdom. The contributors there said that Richard Schwartz has mooted something like this himself recently... and also that he suggested he may feel that the model is 'channelled'. Though I'm guessing he may not go on record as saying that seeing as he's working from within the 'sensible' psychotherapeutic environment.

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Fascinating, thanks for sharing that. I'm glad to hear that Dick isn't claiming originality, ha! And I'm also glad he's found a way to repackage it in a way that's more approachable (and digestible) for Western psychology.

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