May 27, 2022Liked by Julia Christina

I had an experience over 4 decades ago. I had been searching for an answer for quite some time.....I called it 'the answer to every question'. The question could not be fully verbalized but it involved...why are we here. On this particular night I thought about inhumanity, heartlessness, and the pain and suffering in the world. I got to a point where I just gave up on finding the answer. (In retrospect it seems similar to trying to remember a name or a word and wracking your brain and then giving up and at that point of giving up the name or word pops into your head.) I cried and cried and at the moment that I gave up a white light fluttered in my head, like a butterfly unfolding it's wings.

Love was everywhere. All around me. Nothing else existed. All of the problems of the world stemmed from the lack of recognition of this Love. It was as if I was swimming in a large lake searching for water when it was all around me and I had no existence separate from the water. There was much more than I could take.

I was never the same after that. The following day I contacted many people. Some I gave a small gift to. I told all that I loved them.


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May 27, 2022Liked by Julia Christina

thank you for a particularly moving essay today :-) the part about the full spectrum of the suffering AND love of humanity reminds a bit of Chris Bache's experience in "LSD and the Mind of the Universe" - mindblowing for all psychonauts.

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