By the way, very beautiful song! Love the build with the additional instruments. Felt some interesting base!

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Umm … you for President in 2028. 🇺🇸

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Haha that's sweet thank you for the support Xavier 🙏

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This is beautiful. Very immersive and relaxing while propelling one's mind forward toward the next change in the tune. Thank you.

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I've had spiritual experiences/shifts in awareness just simply listening to music through headphones, which shows how powerful it can be.

I think that sound itself is key to understanding life in a way thats impossible though language. Its a deep area of investigation that we take for granted.

In terms of requiring a specific type of music, I'm not sure if that's true or what type of music that would be. But definitely open to the possibility.

Thanks for sharing this.

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Thanks for sharing your reflections, Ben! Music is the universal language they say...I'm curious what kind of music have elicited those experiences for you (with headphones)?

My sense is that if I listened to any random pop song with full presence, I would probably not have a strong reaction. For me that requires music that has soul/spirit, and builds tension/release via some type of arc - which could be in any genre.

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Thank you. I loved this article.

I remember years ago, at a concert at my kid's school, decidingto just listen -- that the memory would be so much more powerful than recording it. I've taken that practice forward and have allowed the music to fill my time, not trying to document it. As someone who loves music (I've played piano since I was five and wrote my books with music playing in my ears), I find it the most delightful and freeing practice.

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Thank you Rachel 🙏 It is definitely a practice. Especially when everyone is documenting and you're wondering - should I document this? But when do we ever look back at all that footage. Never. It's better to take a snapshot with the heart 🥰

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Thank you for this. I wonder if you’ve ever heard of Radio Free Wohlman? He does regular transmissions that weaves together music from a diverse assortment of musicians, often around a common theme or concept. One of his regular features is Deep Listening Music shows, where he digs deep into his archives to reveal the wild, wacky, and wonderful. I’ve been listening to his offerings for over a decade, and I have learned so much! Not for everybody, I’m guessing, but I sure enjoy it. I’ve even done some writing to some of the episodes…

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Thanks for sharing Michael, have never heard of him but will definitely take a look!

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So freaking good!

I recently started asking friends so one of their favorite songs and then would listen to it with intent! Then I would listen to the entire album to find JUICY deep cuts! It’s my way of kicking the algorithm in the teeth and getting back to personal recommendations from friends.

Then I can report back on what I think! I’m doing the same thing with movies. Instead of letting Netflix choose, I’m going back to actually calling people and asking for their personal recommendations! It’s been VERY fun and fulfilling!

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Thanks Joey!! I think my response might have gotten lost I'm not sure where it went. Love that. Do you have any music recs? I'm currently listening through Rolling Stones 500 best albums starting from the top 😊

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Ok LOVE that tactic! I might join you on that journey. A friends of mine just told me about Wilder Woods and his song Be Yourself! It’s REALLY good. Then I started listening to the album and was like whaaaaaaaat! Number one on the album is also a jam. It’s called Maestro! Check it out! I also recently re listened to Warning from Green Day and kind of love the message! Enjoy!

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Awesome thank you for the rec! Will definitely check it out 🥰

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Hey Julia.

What a beautiful article on Music and its place or position within this Modern Society we all now live in and choose to call Life or Home..

I love your words in this article. There thoughtful whilst at the same time their deeply questioning of the Current World we live in and how we now in general consume or choose to be consumed by Music.

I totally agree that in general Digital Steaming and Spotify have not only ruined Artists financially by stripping them of control but this has also stripped them of their integrity with regard to their relationship to that music in the first place.

And it's this music stripped bare of the other music and tracks recorded around it that most of the modern Boomers get when downloading there favourite 2 minute soundbite file from Spotify or similar to attach in isolation to a meaningless playlist full of 2 min soundbite tracks that are in their own totally emotionally absent and nothing other than a burst of noise in most cases to avoid us from having to sit and be totally present with ourselves and our Surroundings.

Most Rythm and Harmony driven music was recorded in Vinyl or then Cd Format, in a particular Order to allow it to tell us a story or take us on a Journey intended by the Artist .

Usually then listening to the most immediately catchy or poppy 2 min soundbite in isolation is nothing short of useless and does nothing for our involvement with Music as a Journey and something to take us to a place of pleasure or pain deeply within our heart space and understand with presence and focus; our purpose of that Journey in the present Moment.

Aided and abetted on this Journey by possibly the use of some Psychedelic Enhancement Medicine, it really doesn't matter as long as we get to be truly present and understand the purpose.

Yes some Boomers coming across a nice 2 min soundbite will dig a little deeper and acquire the full Album in Download, Vinyl or CD Format and start to really get and understand what the music was about and its part in our particular journey but for the rest, well I suppose it filled a 2 min gap and stopped us having to be present when not able to scroll.

As for the musical piece, I do appreciate it, but think everyone's tastes are different and what takes one of us into God's Space or the Harmonic Frequencies of Nature for example may not work quite as intended when trialed with somebody else.

So in that respect a little Horses for Courses, and additionally our moods all change due to what is occurring in the present moment so I would suggest that musically a piece of Music's intended effect will likewise change also, dependant on the time and what is occurring.

Regardless Julia, a Superb Article.

Kindest Regards.

Mark Scott 🔥👍😚

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Thank you Mark! Yes totally... there is this notion of 'skipping right to the good part', but the contrast that gets lost is exactly what makes 'the good parts' hit so hard / feel so good... plus the build and anticipation of course, which is also lost if we reduce everything to the peak. It is so representative of our dopamine-driven 'more right now' culture.

Thanks for the kind words and reflections 🙏

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Hi Julia - I kind of disagree with you on this premise, although, yes, our attention spans are suffering. As a boomer, the range of music I have available at my fingertips on apple music or spotify is staggering and I love it. When I discover a new artist that I love, I listen to the whole album - usually when I am driving. I also use music medicinally to enhance or deepen emotional states and have been an ecstatic dancer for over 20 years, so I am exposed to great "new music" that way. Personally, I love how much and available it all is!

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Hi Robert, I would say that you are the absolute exception in how you consume music which may be a generational thing (and in that case your disagreement makes total sense 😊)

What's your best tip for finding good new artists? My problem with Spotify, while it has so many benefits, is that it's so oversaturated that I don't know where to look. I end up listening to the same things that I saved over and over, or things the algorithm suggested that are quite similar, barely getting out of my 'musical comfort zone'

PS Fellow ecstatic dancer here but I haven't danced in too long and need to return to it soon 🥰

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Nice dialogue. Thanks! My number 1 way is whenever I hear a song that moves, or touches me - I find out who that is and listen to more of it. Could be a song at dance, a song in a movie. Then I shazam it. Another way is that I pay $10 bucks a month for itunes radio, and when I work out, I play different stations or artists or genres. Then the same thing - when I hear something that resonates, I'll take a snapshot if it or add it to my library.

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The music at the end is heavenly.

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Your choice of words is magical because in Sam's library this piece is called Heaven 😍

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Wow. Thank you for saying this! People really need to wake up and discern music that really has soul vs. whatever is going on these days under the name of music.

Appreciate every part of this letter! 🌸

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I think when people have lost contact with their soul, they are not capable of feeling and perceiving it in the arts. So sad! So painful to be in a world so adrift from the shores of soul.

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It is definitely sad :(

The pursuits that most of us are chasing are only making us more and more disconnected. I hope we find our way back to ourselves and to life and to living from the soul 🥹🌸

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Thank you, Sanika! Lila's point is so important -- the core problem is that we are disconnected from soul/spirit, which will be reflected in the art we create... but on the positive side, I also really believe that art created from that place can help us reconnect in a meaningful way 🙏

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Wonderful. I found that my breathing fell right in line/time with the rise and fall of the melody. Thank you for sharing these moments of peace.

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Thank you for your sweet words, Judy - I tend to observe the same, my breathing automatically syncs which is so calming. We also made a few specifically for breathwork, will share more soon! 🥰

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If you like psychedelics, music and big soundsystems. Listen to this guy and tell me if you ever heard/experienced anything similar. https://youtu.be/o8e7nX5U3r0

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Hi Jonathan wow I truly have never heard anything like it, it is quite intense music and it made me wonder how I would react to this while in medicine - it's 50-50, either completely immersed or completed overwhelmed 😅

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Hey very happy about your reply. You should really try it, but it(usually) requires quite a high dosage to be fully understood. A big enough soundsystem and high volume is also mandatory. (don't try it on your Bluetooth speakers) As you expected you need to fully immerse yourself, trust and let go. It can be very overwhelming when you resist. Please let me know in case you did. I'm also thinking since years that a capable writer should try and grasp what he is doing, would be happy if it's finally happening.

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