Thanks so much for this well written piece!

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Thanks Blue for the kind words, really appreciate it.

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In my personal experience, MDMA has been extremely insightful and helpful. During the course of a weekend, I did multiple doses in a forest, with friends. In that one experience, I managed to defeat catastrophic ideas and harsh self judgement, especially by perceiving how my entourage loved me and supported me in my endeavors. I've never felt lonely again! My experience with MDMA lead me to a jungle, years later, for an Ayahuasca ceremony. This has been just as eye-opening... Other points: zero addiction or withdrawal symptoms (I've only done sporadic, spaced apart sessions), zero anxiety and even less need to drink or even eat junk food.

It's really revolutionary.

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Wow, thanks so much for sharing, Vicente. How beautiful that it started your journey with medicines. I love that this medicine can be therapeutic without relying on a therapeutic setting. Thanks also for adding the points re addiction and alcohol, the reason researchers began studying it for alcoholism was actually because they noted how drastically the drinking decreased in those treated with MDMA-AT for PTSD. Exciting stuff!

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It seems incredible that we are on the cusp of MDMA being licensed for therapeutic use. Long time users will know about supplements such as 5HTP that can help mitigate the effects of the proceeding days, with companies like Happy Tuesdays (https://happytuesdays.com/) selling “post-rave wellness packs” that can also help out.

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Kevin, thanks so much for bringing that up! We did have 5-HTP the next day, but I can't tell if it made a substantial difference because I haven't experienced the day after without it yet. We were both still pretty low energy but it might have still been milder because of the supplements.

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Roll Kit provides the most complete protection against harmful side effects of MDMA. Wake up feeling recovered and rejuvenated.

Learn More: https://rollkit.net/

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