Jun 1Liked by Julia Christina

I remember being on my knees. Dark night of the soul for sure. Grief brought me there.

Grief about our world situation can bring me there again. Feeling of hopelessness and despair.

Hoping for our collective rebirth.

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Loved this

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Thank you Daniel 🙏

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Hey Julia.

A beautiful article as usual that certainly joins all the right dots, dots all the right i's and crosses all the right t's. It clearly lays bare the harm that our current Capitalist Policies are causing to the Planet as a whole and to the Planets inhabitants in general.

You also explain quite beautifully how the current Buisness as usual is absolutely not sustainable and how Pscycedelics can and do shorten the curve to enlightenment to allow individuals, (you and I and many more ) to experience an elevated Consciousness quicker than normally occurs through more traditional means, to be able to reach an understanding of what enlightened Buddhists, Taoists, Sufis & Yogis have understood for millenia. That is as you point out, that we evolve unaware of our essential nature, and our disconnection from the Natural World.

When you read the various Spiritual Scriptures it is quite clear that we appear to have reached similar Junctures in the past throughout History and that again we did not learn from mistakes. For example the Mayan Civilization of 5000 Years Ago.

It's fairly clear from from various Historic Texts that the Mayans appear to have deliberately let there Civilisation self destruct and collapse because they did not like the effect that their Policies of progression were having on there People and the Planet in general.

I've possibly got about 20 years on you though Julia and must admit that I am far from as optimistic as you are, that this time we will learn and reach a critical mass of People that will become sufficiently enlightened to make a real difference in this case.

I think in general within the Matrix and with our shot at the game we have already taken the Planet past Tipping Point on a number of fronts:

A. Hardwood Deforestation. Regardless of Policies to terminate or stop deforestaion, its negative effect on natural ecosystems, biodiversity and climate will likely increase faster than and Policies against Deforestaation are likely to reverse

B. Fossil Fuel Use . Again as above the negative warming effect of Fossil Fuel Use and the resultant Carbon Sink removal will likely continue to increase quicker than any Policies to contro and protectl Fossil Fuels.

C. Fresh Water Resources. Almost everyone is aware of the effect of Global Warming on the Earth's Poles and the likely rise in Sea Level as a result of this loss, however almost nobody ever mentions the far more catastrophic effect that will result from the loss of the Himalayan Ice Cap.

The Himalayan Ice Cap is often referred to in Geological and Geographical Texts as the Third Pole and for good reason. App 90% of the fresh water resources supplying 3 Billion People throughout India and Pakistan recieve water to their rivers via the Hymalayan Ice Cap. This is currently retreating significantly and likely to be pretty much non existent by the end of the Century leaving 3 Billion People in an area which will no longer be able to sustain life. ( Where exactly will they miggrate to with rising Sea Levels and an increasing Population fighting for the control of less and less land).

I know I'm pretty negative Julia, but I think we've now pretty much had our shot within the Matrix and managed to resoundingly fail.

Maybe the lindividually elevated levels of Consciousness will prepare us for a further attempt sometime as part of some future generation and rebirth though. That is of course after we have drunk from the cup of forgetfullness though as is the norm before a further to this Plant we lovingly call home.


Keep up the wonderful writing.


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Psychedelic "shorten the curve of enlightenment"... wow, how poetic! I love that.

I agree that on certain fronts we have moved beyond repair. Earth will change, that's no longer up for debate, but the degree to which it will change is still to be determined - over the next few decades. But I share your fears. Thank you for the thoughtful contribution 🙏

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This is beautiful. Thank you. It reminds me there is hope.

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Thank you so much Claire 🙏

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