Apr 5Liked by Julia Christina

I appreciate the thoughtful reply. I was pretty disappointed in the times (not uniquely for this) for seemingly attacking a man who recently died and cannot respond. It seems this article could have appeared premortem. And yes it may be based on a disgruntled individual, but it was a rather damning portrayal and appeared on front page of science section and will be fodder for skeptics. #thestruggleisreal :)

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Great article! So many insights. I’ve been concerned about my approach and this helps expand my awareness.

Nixon and his administration have committed a massive crime against humanity. Can’t even imagine all of the suffering that has been perpetrated by this nefarious manipulation—worldwide for decades.

It’s so good to see psychedelics getting the recognition now and that inspired change is happening.

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Thank you, Christina, for writing this. I'm a newbie who recently had a maiden voyage on the psychedelic vessel. I had, of course, expectation, but was also attempting to just stay open for whatever happened. It was an experience, for sure, but it was so new and different for me that it has left me thinking I may want and need to have another. Since my 19 year old son died six years ago I had the wish and hope that a psychedelic journey would heal me or at least help me. After six years of not finding the right situation, I finally did last month on the vernal equinox with three friends and an extraordinary guide/shaman/healer. I am not healed but I was helped, if only in a clear awareness of how we, ALL of us, are one connected whole of individuality making up ONE. That sense was powerful and deep. But it felt like just a beginning, just a small opening into something vast that I don't know if I want to go further with via entheogens. I don't expect you to answer that, but I would like to know if you have a take on it. I would so much like to have an experience with my beloved son and with my husband who died last year which I've been trying to do with dreaming and channeling, but I have a fantasy that that could happen for me in a profound way with a psychedelic. Thank you for spreading the gospel in the clear and transforming way that you're doing it. I'm glad I found your website though I have no idea how I did. It may be synchronicity.

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Excellent article.

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Great and useful article, thank you. My only concern is starting with the clinical science, which may be on shaky ground. The last 2 weeks saw a scathing takedown in the NTY of Roland Griffiths for potential scientific misconduct, and separately a report by ICER about the MDMA PTSD trials which cites significant methodological concerns. Our clinical scientific approach cannot be the sole arbitor of the validity of these ancient practices.

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